
What Happens During a Solar Eclipse?

A solar eclipse occurs when the Earth and Moon line up with the Sun. The Moon blocks sunlight from reaching Earth.

Photograph of a total solar eclipse

Why Do Shadows Change Over Time?


Have you noticed that your shadow changes over time? The cartoon on this page shows why shadows change during the day.


Screenshot of the shadows animation.

Seasons - The Sun in the Sky

In the UK, we experience 4 seasons each year. These are spring, summer, autumn, and winter. You may have noticed that the weather changes during each season. But have you noticed any other differences? 

Illustration of a tree in summer

Cosmic Yoga

Connecting with the natural world through topics like space and astronomy may help improve your mental health and wellbeing.

A boy bending to make the shape of the crescent Moon to his right and a girl with her arms outstretched mirroring the shape of the galaxy above her against a dark blue background with faint stars.

Light and Mirrors Card Match

Short Intro Text: 

Astronomers use light to study things in space. Objects like planets, stars and galaxies all emit or reflect light. Telescopes help astronomers collect light from objects that are far away in space.

How much do you know about the topic of light? Match the word to the correct definition to find out!


Predict the Solar Cycle

The Sun is a constant presence in our life on Earth. It gives us the heat and light we need to survive. But it is not a stable place. The Sun is a ball of hot plasma which is constantly changing.

Predicting the Sun's Cycle

What Can We See on the Sun?

Close up images of the Sun including solar flares, sunspots, and a solar eclipse

The Changing Moon

You can use the Liverpool Telescope to observe features on the Moon’s surface. This is because the telescope has a field of view that shows small areas of the sky in lots of detail.

The Moon at Waning and Waxing gibbous phases.

Why Do We Have Day and Night?

The left half of the picture shows a cartoon day time scene, the right half of the picture shows a cartoon night time scene

Why Does the Moon Have Phases?

The Moon is the brightest object in the night sky when its whole face is showing. This only happens at full Moon. So why isn't it always a full Moon? 

Left-side: The Moon orbiting the Earth. Top right: Crescent Moon. Bottom right: A month from a calendar.
