
Why Does the Earth Have Tides?

The level of the sea rises and falls about 2 times each day. We call these changes tides. But what causes them?

Still image from the tides simulator showing the Moon in orbit around the Earth

Dydd a Nos

Wedi’i anelu at ddisgyblion 7-11 oed, mae’r gweithgaredd hwn yn rhoi cyfle ymarferol i'r disgyblion i ddysgu am y dydd a’r nos. Gan ddefnyddio pêl o play-doh a thortsh, bydd y disgyblion yn darganfod sut mae cylchdro'r Ddaear yn achosi’r dydd a’r nos.

Earth, Sun and Moon Quiz

Short Intro Text: 

The Earth is the planet you (and everyone else) live on! The Moon is a natural satellite of the Earth. This means it travels around our planet in a huge circle called an 'orbit'. The Sun is a star in the centre of our Solar System.

It's the movements of these objects that give us days, years, and even eclipses! Test your knowledge of these astronomical timescales and events.


Solar System Quiz

Short Intro Text: 

A solar system consists of a star and the objects that orbit it. A galaxy contains millions of stars and solar systems. But how much do you know about our own Solar System? Take our quiz to find out!
