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Proud to be part of LJMU,
in partnership with the Dill Faulkes Educational Trust


Use of the Telescopes

We cannot guarantee any given observation will be carried out. Factors such as weather, maintenance and telescope time availability may prevent observations being undertaken, however, every effort will be made to re-schedule observations where possible.

We reserve the right to limit or restrict access to observations and observing requests in the event of an apparent security breach. In such circumstances we will send out new passwords as soon as possible.

Schools are given the right to use their observations for non-commercial and educational purposes only. All other use must be agreed with the operators of the telescope.


All TSO software has been tested prior to being made available for general use by registered users; however, we cannot guarantee reliability in all circumstances. It is recommended that software is installed by somebody with knowledge of your system and tested before use with students.

A site licence for all TSO software is allocated to each user on registration and entitles the registered user to make copies of TSO software for educational purposes.


All support is given freely and to best ability and no liability can be taken where information provided causes loss or damage.

Limitations of Liability

In no event will Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) be liable to you for any consequential, indirect, incidental, punitive or special damages that may occur when accessing the The Schools' Observatory (TSO) website or using TSO software / computer-based learning resources for what ever purpose.

Data Protection

Information provided by schools and users when registering with The Schools' Observatory will be kept within Liverpool John Moores University and may be used by the University to send marketing material and information to the named user or school representative. Other than that, data will NOT be passed on to any other third parties without your consent.

We will automatically delete accounts that have been inactive for 18 months. We will send reminder e-mails in advance of any deletion, including information on how to reactivate your account.

There are more details on our Privacy Policy here