Work Experience Week 2024

Every year, Liverpool John Moores University's Astrophysics Research Institute (ARI) offers 20 Year 12 students a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in astrophysics during a week-long work experience. This year, students once again embarked on an extraordinary 5-day journey, learning from professionals, enhancing their STEM skills, and conducting their own research projects in a one-of-a-kind learning environment.

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Class of 2024 

The week started with an engaging team-building engineering challenge that allowed students to get to know each other. The excitement continued with an inspiring Introduction to Astronomy by Professor Ivan Baldry. In the afternoon, Dr. Helen Jermak shared her experiences in planning, engineering, and using a robotic telescope. Students then had the chance to design their own telescopes with guidance from the New Robotic Telescope Team. 

The following days were packed with knowledge as students explored the physics of stars with Professor Ricardo Schiavon and learned from Dr. Sara Zahoor how supercomputers can simulate the entire Universe.

Students spent most of the week working in pairs on their research projects, covering fascinating topics like Binary Star Systems, Exoplanets, Stellar Evolution, Supernovae, and Variable Stars. With the support of ARI supervisors (Dr. Fiona Murphy-Glaysher, Dr. Rob Grand, Professor Shiho Kobayashi, Dr. Sebastian Kamman, and Dr. Joao Da Silva Bento) and current PhD astrophysics students, the participants delved deep into their chosen subjects. Before embarking on their projects, they participated in workshops focused on data collection, analysis, and science communication, led by The Schools' Observatory Team.

On Friday, the students had the opportunity to learn about university life, student finance, UCAS application processes, and career prospects from current students and the  LJMU Outreach team.

The week concluded with a vibrant and celebratory mini-conference session. Students presented their findings via research posters to ARI staff and students amidst an atmosphere of support and celebration, complete with tea, cake, and the achievements of our students! 

Work Experience Week at the ARI was not just about learning; it was about inspiration, discovery, and getting a taste of the future in the exciting field of astrophysics.

Some of the feedback we had from students this year:

  • It was amazing- I loved the opportunities offered to interact with people with the same interests.
  • Thank you for everything. it has been an amazing experience.