Our Sun Quiz
The Sun is our closest star and the centre of our Solar System. However, it is only one of several billion stars in our galaxy.
Telescopes Quiz
Telescopes are used to magnify distant objects. They are a vital tool for astronomy. Over the last few hundred years, scientists and engineers have built bigger and better telescopes, revealing the mysteries of the Universe. But how much do you know about telescopes on Earth and beyond?
Timeline of Astronomy
Did you know that our understanding of science and space had gradually been built over thousands of years? Discover the people from the past whose observations and experiments helped us understand our Solar System and
Astronomical Influencers Quiz
Test your astronomy knowledge while learning about the who's who of ancient to present day astronomy!
Pair the Stages of a Star
Though they shine for many thousands, and even millions of years, stars do not last for ever. They ignite, burn, and then run out of fuel and go out.
Can you match the images of each stage of a star's existence to the correct description?
Timeline of the Apollo Missions
Did you know astronauts landed on the Moon six times between 1969 and 1972?
The First Moon Landing
In 1969, the Apollo 11 mission landed on the Moon.
Rockets Quiz
Rockets are used to send astronauts, spacecraft, or equipment to space. They are a vital part of space exploration and research. But how much do you know about how rockets work?