Ireland Senior Cycle

What is the Sun?

Measure Mountains on the Moon

Short Intro Text: 

Did you know there are mountains on the Moon? How tall do you think they are? Are they higher than mountains on Earth?

Complete this activity to find out! You will use high resolution images of the Moon and a bit of maths to investigate the answer.

How is the Universe Expanding?

Illustration representing the mesh used to describe gravity.

Predict the Solar Cycle

The Sun is a constant presence in our life on Earth. It gives us the heat and light we need to survive. But it is not a stable place. The Sun is a ball of hot plasma which is constantly changing.

Predicting the Sun's Cycle

Create An Expanding Universe

You have likely heard about the Universe expanding. Or that redshift can tell us about the movements of galaxies. Both are difficult ideas to imagine and understand.

Cartoon of a person blowing up a balloon. The balloon is covered with galaxies.